docker based LAMP stack


In the old days on my OSX machine I was used to either install XAMPP or reconfigure OSXs apache/php or install software via ports/homebrew. All these approaches have there downsides and were never really satisfying. Problems like OSX shippping with outdated software, mixing OSX provided software with manually installed software, cluttering up the system with manually installed stuff or multiple projects that have conflicting requirements.

For the wordpress development I was recently doing. I chose to use a docker based php/apache/mysql setup. This way I can profit from the dockerization benefits (self contained, portable, reusable, setup is easily stored in version control, control the software versions used, etc.).

Given the following setup:
starting apache & mysql is as easy as:

cd /path/to/WordPress-Skeleton
export WWW_DIR=/path/to/WordPress-Skeleton
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

enjoy :)

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Florian Hengartner